Dentistry in Tarzana

USC trained doctor who was also an adjunct faculty at USC.
We use the best materials. We believe better materials means better dentistry. We will share with you the brand of every product we use upon request.
We use only the best Local American labs in our practice – there is no outsourcing to China, Mexico, etc. Better labs create better products. That simple. Our talented lab technician is available to come to the room, in person, to collaborate the best results if needed.

In our practice we believe that your time is just as important as ours. If you have an appointment with Dr. Abbassi, we will compensate you $10 for every 15 minutes of wait in the lobby. That’s how confident we are in ourselves.

We see you as a part of our dental family. There is no pushy sales tactics in this office. We are firm believers of educating patients, informing them, providing options, and guiding patients to choose their own optimum treatments. We are healthcare providers here to treat the problem; not sale!

Make an appointment to experience the difference for yourself.